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The Panic of ´89

The Panic of ´89

Beletria, Poézia / Romány D - CH
Cudzojazyčná / Anglická

Katalógové číslo: H4224

Zľava: 5%
Spisovateľ: Erdman Paul, Sphere Books 1986

Erdman's cool, incisive style heightens the effects in his new novel, topping The Crash of '79 and his other bestsellers. The hero, Paul Mayer, resembles the author; both are eminent economists and natives of Sweden now living in the U.S. As 1989 looms, Mayer contemplates a grim future, with troubles amassing since the second term of America's "luckiest" President, blameless and unworried during his last days in office. The stock market drops out of sight. Banks are falling like dominoes. Foreign countries default wholesale on huge loans to the U.S. These are among the possibilities Erdman graphically spells out, sending shock waves through the reader. The cast of characters is also strikingly real. International conspirators include Arabs and Venezuelans, a Swiss banker, a motley gang with designs on each other and on the main objective, the Bank of America. As the narrative accelerates, so do the crises that Mayer and a few allies commit themselves to averting. If they succeed, the valiant team will belong in the company of Atlas, Hercules and other doers of the impossible... v angličtine, malý formát, brožovaná, 310 strán

Cena: 1,40 €
Cena pre Vás: 1,33 €

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Doporučujeme ďalšie knihy od autora: Erdman Paul

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Doporučujeme ďalšie knihy od vydavateľa: Sphere Books

Kniha - kat. č. Autor Vydavateľ Cena Kúpiť
Grania - L9504 Llywelyn Morgan Sphere books 2,40 € 2,28 € Pridaj do košíka
Ruin from the Air - L6805 Gordon T., Witts. M. M. Sphere Books 2,70 € 2,57 € Pridaj do košíka
The snake - J9719 Fantoni´s Barry Sphere Books 0,60 € 0,57 € Pridaj do košíka

Doporučujeme ďalšie knihy z kategórie: Romány D - CH

Kniha - kat. č. Autor Vydavateľ Cena Kúpiť
Sťatie svätého Jána - H4240 Galambos Lajos Galambos Lajos Pravda 0,37 € 0,35 € Pridaj do košíka
Něžné lásky - Milostný trojúhelník - H428 Dyck Norman Ivo Železný 0,50 € 0,48 € Pridaj do košíka
Chvíle dvoch slnovratov - H4307 Handzová Viera Slovenský spisovateľ 0,68 € 0,65 € Pridaj do košíka
Silnější než smrt (Beyond) - H4319 Galsworthy John Melantrich 0,63 € 0,60 € Pridaj do košíka
Pán Lecoq - H4387 Gaboriau Emile Slovenský spisovateľ 0,90 € 0,86 € Pridaj do košíka
Padnutí anjeli - H4400 Greeley Andrew M. Ikar 1,37 € 1,30 € Pridaj do košíka


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